Happiness is the Inner Joy that can be Sought or Caught, but never Taught or Bought…

Posts tagged ‘Audible’

Current fave: Audible.com

Reading books (non-academic) have always been a hobby for me. I love adventures, detectives, mystery and legal thrillers. With a good book,  I could shut out the world for days and when I emerge, its with a cocky smile on my face and a you-don’t-know-what-you-missed  attitude towards others.

Books are magical. I like what it does to my imagination. I travel to worlds and spaces I could never go to in a few days. I learn about the world and human nature both from the author and his characters. Just like movies…better than movies, books catapult you into a realm of fantasy, excitement, danger, love and possibilities.

Sometimes I can’t keep up. Between work and family, and church, and home, and preparing for professional exams, I find very little time to transcend into other literary realities.

That was until I discovered… * Drumrolls*…


Audible for Android

Audible is the premier digital provider of audiobooks and they are now available for Android. The app is very easy to download and use. You can download audiobooks with it and listen to them wherever you want. When you first register on the app, they give you one point free which can use to download any book of your choice.

These audiobooks are read by real people so it’s not like all those computer generated voices that sound so lifeless. It’s like a person reading to you and is able to capture most of the emotions the author intends to invoke.

Everyday, when I wake up, I always look forward to when I will plug my ears with my earphone. Apart from when reading for my exams and maybe, blogging, I do not have to leave what I’m doing to read my novel. It’s great!

To learn more on this, visit http://www.audible.co.uk. you can download the app free on Google play or other mobile app stores.

*This is not an advert for any of the brands mentioned above. But if you own any of them and would  like me to advertise for you, I wont mind…hehehe… 😉

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